
a Review of City of Lost Things

english version

Where do you think our trash goes after throwing it away? No, not a factory, no not burned. Yes! They go to a “City of Lost Things”. So this journey, we will be taking you through the entire city of lost things.

At the start of the story, a little boy called “小樹” decided to leave his home. He told us that he hates home, he hates school, and he hates the streets. Until then, he got trapped by a truck that sucks trash in. When he was trying to stay alive, a plastic bag called “阿岱” grabbed on to his shirt and got to stay alive with 小樹. 阿岱 then took 小樹 to a city of lost things, also known as trash that escaped the armor. The plastic bags asked 小樹 to help them out and get them to change into a better thing. Of course, 小樹 doesn’t want to leave, so he told 城隍爺 about the plastic bags plan. The plastic bags got captured, but after all, the bag said something emotional to let 城隍爺 let them out. So they set off their journey.

I felt like this movie is not the best movie to be seen in the theater during this movie. So here’s a list of problems they could probably fix the movie with.

Unrealistic: Furniture can’t walk, nothing can walk except for humans and animals, so I think it’s not a good idea to let kids see unliving things walking around and climbing. this can cause them to think weirdly somehow and they will end up in school getting laughed at because he told his classmate’s unliving things can walk.

Thought while making the movie: The idea of how those plastic bags can hold on to each other and form a huge balloon is weird. and also, even if there are thousands of plastic bags together, they won’t be able to hold any heavy stuff like a person, a fan, a dragon, and a bunch of stuff inside of it.

The way the movie is structured: I feel like this movie has no beginning and end. It feels like the entire movie is just repeating over and over from top to bottom. So you get bored very easily at the end. I think they can make it reach a very high climax and let the viewers be so excited.

After we have listed out some problems from watching the movie, we need to try to think about what we can do to improve the movie. So here is another suggestion I think the movie can improve on. Thought when making the movie. When making the movie, I think the most important thing is, your making a movie for kids to watch. So it’s not a good idea to make a movie with such weird creatures able to move and fly.

After watching the movie, and changing it up a little. I still think that the movie will be quite boring. But I think it is a good movie for teaching kids about where the trash went.

chinese version












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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:29
  • by yiler.huang