
Baseball Guys

Knowing our Daguang Clients

1. What is their favorite free time activity I think they will practice 跳鼓. The reason is their school has 跳鼓隊.

  2. Who their favorite star is

I guess it is BTS. The reason is most 5-6 grade students like BTS, maybe they think their songs are good, and also that they are handsome.

  3. What they like to watch on YouTube

I think is 千千進食中. The reason is I have seen a youtube interview for 5 to 6 graders, and they really like her.

  4. What food do they often eat for lunch

I think they usually eat rice, vegetables, fruit, milk, and a side dessert. This is normal typical school lunch in a public school.

  5. The place they often go to after school

I think they might help their parents. Their parents may open a food stand, they might help parents to make money.

  6. What sort of industries or businesses their parents might work in

I think it is a food stand. 屏東恆春 is near the ocean, and there is a lot of seafood there, so they can sell sashimi.

  7. Something they really want to buy

It's probably not a switch or phone. The reason is they have a switch in class, and they want to exchange their Instagram accounts.

  8. What is one of their dreams in life

They want to be gamers, basketball coaches, sprinter coaches.

Video Meet 1

video here

Creating Design Guidelines based on Customer Communication

List out the responses you got to your 5 (or more) interview questions: chef Killing movies 刀劍神域 Likes baseball-related things Made out of wood or metal, strong, not weak Describe what you think about each of these responses, and how it will influence or change your design choices.

I think being a chef is a good thing because I personally also like to cook and bake so I won’t disagree with a boy liking to cook. I personally don’t like scary movies, but I will respect the choice that he likes to watch scary movies. I don’t know anything about animes, but I don’t think I can make anything about animes. We only have plastic to make things our of, but I’m gonna try to make it as strong as possible I feel like my client is a very shy and quiet boy when it comes to talking to someone that is new to him and older. When I am communicating with him, he always avoids eye contact and does not look at the screen but turns away and looks at something else. And I also think he is a very caring kid. For example, when I talked to the two boys(i ended up only talking to one at last but oh well) they told me they go to each other’s house after school because they live right next to each other. And the little boy always tells his friends to do his homework nicely and neatly before he goes to his house. And this little boy really cares about his grades and his homework, he is really different from most boys his age. It might make him this way is because maybe his parents work really hard to afford him a good life, so he might want to repay his parents by making sure he does good in school. So to me, he is a very easy person to communicate with and understand surely about what he wants.

DaGuang Product Design, hand-drawn Sketch

DaGuang Inkscape 1

Video Meet 2

video here

DaGuang Inkscape 2

DaGuang Blender

Video Meet 3

DaGuang Blender

Background Story for DaGuang Toy

Two little boys were born to be best friends. They do everything together. They play together, they eat together, they even live next to each other. Once they grew up, they both shared the same dream. They dream to become a professional baseball player together and play on a big field, with thousands of people cheering on the bleachers. However, their dreams ended one day. They became toy characters made out of plastic. They were run over by trucks and their lives were ended. They were so sad that this happened to them, but when they found out that they will be given to 2 boys that love their passion for baseball. they became happy. They traveled all the way from Da’an Taipei to Heng Chun town in Ping Dong. There, they were so happy to have new friends from a new place.


Box background picture + all inner and outer walls

Final Video Meet

video here

  • baseball_guys.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/11 03:31
  • by larissa.kuo