
Learning Process: Sustainability from the Corporate End / 企業端的永續發展

Recycling From the Manufacturing Side (Chang-Ho) 從製造商的角度瞭解回收 (昶和纖維興業)

An example of how producers can make recycling and reuse a “built-in” feature of eco-friendly products, and a discussion about how current economic incentives are not properly aligned with ecological goals.


The Second-hand Business Model (HardOff) 二手商業模式 (海德沃福)

A discussion about corporate values and ethics, and how recycling can be a spiritually and economically rewarding experience.


3D Printing Techniques (Geez) 3D 列印技巧 (奇實數位文創)

Industry expert speaks about techniques in 3d printing and has an important discussion regarding intellectual property rights and ethics in the creation process.


Efficiency in Energy Storage and Distribution 能源的儲存與供給效率 (Gogoro)

An industry expert discusses how the logistics of energy storage and usage can redefine the economics of electricity usage. Also, a discussion regarding education in programming skills.


Fashion and the Move to Sustainability (Momentum) 時尚及永續發展 (摩曼頓)

Industry expert discusses the intersection of fashion and environmental protection, and current techniques moving the world in that direction.


  • sustainability.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/22 20:19
  • by scott.chen