

I didn’t pay attention to the referendum at all, so I don’t know about the referendum, but I searched the Internet for the background story about the referendum.

According to the revised version of the Legislative Yuan in December 2017, the threshold for a proposal must reach 1/10,000 of the total number of electors for the president and vice president, and the threshold for co-signing is 1.5%; the pass threshold is 1/4 of the total number of electors, and the valid votes for approval exceed the votes for disapproval. On June 17, 2019, the Legislative Yuan passed the third reading of the amendment to some of the provisions of the Referendum Law, which clearly stated that starting from 2021, the fourth Saturday in August will be the referendum day, which will be held every two years.

The referendum was originally scheduled to be held on the fourth Saturday of August 2021, that is, August 28, in accordance with the provisions of the Referendum Law. However, due to the severe and special infectious pneumonia epidemic, it was announced to be postponed to 2021 on July 2. Held on December 18. The pass threshold for this referendum is 4,956,367 affirmative votes, and the affirmative votes are higher than disagree votes. In addition, the local referendum in Hsinchu City-a referendum on waste water recycling and the national referendum will be held on December 18 , The final referendum resulted in no more valid votes than disagree, and all four issues were rejected

The government's current energy transition is towards the goal of “greening, increasing gas, reducing coal, and non-nuclear.” In terms of green energy, the government promotes and expands the use of renewable energy, promotes solar photovoltaic and wind power generation, and aims to make renewable energy power generation account for 20% of the total power generation by 2025. On the other hand, the government expects to decommission coal-fired units year by year and rebuild them. In contrast to the government’s anti-nuclear stance, the government’s anti-nuclear stance was adopted in the 20218 national referendum to nuclear green investment in the 16th national referendum of 20218, and the implementation of the “non-nuclear home” policy. With regard to the abolition of Article 95, Paragraph 1 of the Electricity Industry Law, “Nuclear power generation equipment shall be completely shut down before 14 years of the Republic of China”, it was passed overwhelmingly by nearly 60% of the referendum. At that time, Zhengfang believed that nuclear power was cheap and the cost of generating electricity per kilowatt-hour was the lowest. He also believed that the radiation value of the Lanyu nuclear waste site was lower than that of the Taipei Railway Station. The Taiwan nuclear power plant was built on a rock pan and passed the 921 test. Emissions, zero air pollution, and ecological impact are far lower than gas-fired power generation and coal-fired power generation. The opponents believe that nuclear power plants cannot recover operating costs, nuclear power is not cheap, and the 311 Fukushima nuclear disaster was devastating, so it should be eliminated first in the process of energy transition.

All people in the entire country or region will vote to decide on certain issues, such as choosing a national government, whether to form a confederation, federation, or merge into a country with other countries, and decide on the formulation, modification, or abolition of national policies, and so on. I think the meaning of the referendum is a more direct and democratic system to make up for the shortcomings of parliamentary representative politics. Some countries put the referendum into the constitution, and some countries do not enter the constitution but the Congress enacts laws and implements it. Some countries even have no constitutional provisions. Congress also does not formulate a special law for referendums, but only when necessary, it decides on issues that require a referendum, passes bills, and holds a referendum. The referendum has become quite popular in modern countries and has become a new trend in the era of “participatory democracy.”

關於公投的事情 我完全沒有關注 所以我不清楚 關於公投的事 但我在網路上 搜尋了一下 關於公投的背景故事


本次公投原定按照《公民投票法》規定,於2021年8月第四個星期六,即8月28日舉行,但由嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情影響,於7月2日宣布延期至2021年12月18日舉行。本次公投的通過門檻為495萬6367張同意票,且同意票要高於不同意票 此外,新竹市地方性公民投票-廢汙水回收公民投票與本次全國性公投合併舉行 12月18日,最終公投結果有效同意票未多於不同意票,四項議題全數不通過

政府目前能源轉型朝向「展綠、增氣、減煤、非核」的目標。在綠能方面,政府推廣並擴大再生能源的使用,推動太陽光電及風力發電,目標於2025年讓再生能源發電占總體發電量20% 另一方面,政府預計逐年將燃煤機組除役,改建為燃氣機組,並且執行「非核家園」政策,在2025年前將台灣所剩 的核電廠數除役 相較於政府的反核立場,於20218全國性公民投票的案16以核養綠投,有關於廢除電業法第95條第1項「核能發電設備應於中華民國一百十四年以前,全部停止運轉」之條文,以近六成的公投票壓倒性通過。當時,正方認為核能便宜,平均一度電發電成本最低,且認為蘭嶼核廢料場輻射值比台北火車站還低、台灣核電廠蓋在岩盤上且通過921考驗,安全無虞,加上低碳排、零空污、對生態的衝擊遠低於燃氣發電及燃煤發電。而反方認為核電廠無法回收運轉成本,核電並不便宜,且311福島核災 災情慘重,因此在能源轉型的過程中應該最該先被淘汰。

由整個國家或者地區的全體人民投票決定某些問題,例如選擇一個國家政府,是否與他國組成邦聯、聯邦或併入一個國家,決定國家政策的製定與修改或廢除等等。 我覺得公投的意義是彌補議會代議政治缺陷的一種較直接而民主的制度,有的國家將公民投票入憲,有的則不入憲而由國會制定法律實施,有的國家,甚至無憲法規定,國會也無制定公投的專用法律,而只於必要時,決定就需要舉行公投的議題,通過法案,舉行公投。公民投票已相當流行於現代國家,成為「參與民主主義」時代的新趨勢。

  • ron-liu-referendum.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/13 19:41
  • by ron.liu