
Q:What are your personal goals for this semester? Why have you chosen these goals? How can you measure your progress towards these goals?

A:To learn more stuff that should make my life go easier. I chose these goals is because I want to. The score can tell.

1. What do the lyrics mean?

Is probably saying the world is changing and talking about some pollution and human should change and help about the envirnoment.

2. What feelings or opinions do your parents have about the song or the lyrics?

3. What are your feelings about the lyrics?

Nothin to special because I know what he wanna say, cause this is how the environment going.

4. What are your feelings about the music?

Is kinda old and kinda sad cause this is what is going on.

5. Does the music help to express the meaning of the lyrics? Why or why not? How?

Uhh I'm really not sure about this cause is just some classic country music so I don't feel the connect about it, but it make the song kinda sound like some music that grand parents can sing to their grandson.

6. Did this song change how you feel about the environment? Why or why not?

NO, because it is basically some thing that I already know.

Go back to Howard Lee`s essay page

  • rex-your_goals_and_thoughts_about_mercy_mercy_me.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:23
  • by yiler.huang