
My own thoughts of value and thing of before and after

In this semester we discuss a lot of thing and value, so at the end of this semester I'll talk about what did I change about my thought of value and thing. In this essay you'll read about the thoughts about “values” and “things” before and after, and I'm going to talk about my thoughts for values from first and then talk about my thoughts for things from before, and then talk about after.

First I want to talk about my thought of value and thing of before. At before my old school already talk about recycling trash a lot, so actually I did learn nothing. But in this semester I do learn a new thing. That is about after we recycle trash what can we do about it. We all know we should recycle trash, but we don't really know what is next of recycle trash. I'm gonna tell you a little about it. first we collect the same trash together. Second, we use a special machine to check is the trash could be reuse. last step, we put the trash that can be reuse into a machine that can make them to materials.

Second thing that I want to talk is I thought we can recycle plastic bottle and turn it to plastic bottle again is already very good, but at this semester I see something new. The new thing is we aren't just can make it to plastic bottle, we also can make it to a shoes. Like at 2021, 09/23 Mark come and he told us about it. 2021, 11/19 Momanton's CEO comes and talk about it too, because we didn't make a essay for that so I'll talk about it a little bit.

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  • oliver-thoughts-on-_value_-and-the-meaning-of-_things.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:34
  • by yiler.huang