
by oliver wang

This essay is talking about the way that we think about environment, and now I’m going to explain how I feel environment.

First when I think about environment I think about pollution. Human pollution all the environment. They pollution the three thing EQPF told us they are “nature”, “people make”, “humanities” Human always say “we pollution environment, then we need to be environmental friendly” But actually they are not, they just keep pollution the world. They know the problem but they are not fixing this. They always comes and say”we are some environmental friendly group and we find this and this and this problem, and we are going to fix this.” And then? And what? Did they fix that? If the world have so many environmental friendly. They sell each pollution problem of from each group then world won’t be so many pollution but you look. World still have many trash. You look at ocean, everyone know on the sea or under the sea have many trash also have many fish die because of the trash that we make. Did they fix that? Why people always making the trash. I think that is because humans is very lazy and greedy, so they want to have everything. Each person want something different. Some people want to eat so we kill animal more then the food that we need. Someone want to be pretty, so scientists make cosmetic. Someone want to go every where, so people invention airplane, but do they know this really effect the world. Of each thing that we made, it pollution a little bit. People know that’s very unhealthy, but do they stop making? No, because if have someone want it then the company will still making. We think we need car or train or more thing, but actually if we just can have more patience then we don’t need car. This all thing do makes us more convenient, but it cost environment get pollution. Do the human really care? Or we just need to find another planet to keep this loop?

Second when I think about environment, we think about do we really need a city? Do the city really make pollution be better? Do technology really help pollution. I think this does make human be stronger, but it doesn’t make pollution better it make it worse. That what city make human and effect environment. The solution is we need to make the city be more environmental friendly. (Just saying is not really work like that)

Third do we really need to eat that much animal? We all think they are quite taste good, but do we really need that much? We can see a lion one day can eat 12kg meat, human one day just can eat 2.3kg of food so do we really need to kill a lot of animal?

So conclusion is we killed to much animal, and we should do more about pollution and really make people don’t pollute environment. If we are fixing environment, but at each time others is still polluting environment then when we can fix all the pollution? Also if we are building more city then how do we fix air pollution? Because city are always making air pollution. Car, electricity factory and AC, this kind of thing always polluting environment. We made the electric car, but the person really are using is rich guy. If the human don’t have enough money then they would rather to buy a gas car, because they would want to use money on other things, so I think if the whole human can forget about money, just like the world don’t have money then we might can fix the pollution problem easily.

chinese version

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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:33
  • by yiler.huang