
by oliver wang

my personal goal is make my p5js be better, and then do a picture again. like a man is walking and some grass are moving or more other thing. I want this goal is because I think what I draw in p5js is ugly, so I want to learn more and make a picture again. I can measure by how many animation I make.

Mercy mercy me use music to tell people about what did we do to environment.

my uncle think this song is talking about huge damage when we live on earth. this music use brisk rhythm to tell the severity of the incident, that make my uncle thought about many sci-fi movies description of the future, most is because what humans do causes their doomsday.

what I feel about the lyrics is it want to tell us to protect the environment, and tell us how we “pollution” the environment.

]this music is good, but it's not thee music that I like.

I think this music is good to tell the peoples to protect the environment, because this music can make peoples like it, but At now I think most young won't listen to it, because most people like high music.

I think this music doesn't change very much about what I feel about environment, because when I grade 1, the teachers always tell us about pollution.

chinese version

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  • oliver-about-mercy-mercy-me.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:32
  • by yiler.huang