
There's too many different type of pollution on earth so we really need to safe the earth.

The ocean have too many trash we have too throw trash in the garbage can not on the floor so that we can stop the trash flying to the sea, oceans or other place

we really should take care about the environment problem or else the earth is really getting worse

There's some problems with my environment around me so i started think about that. When I wake up the first environment I see is my home and the second environment I see is my families there's some problem in my house beacause there's too many trash and things we don't need so then normally people will throw thing they don't need out of there area and ig there's 100 people throwing trash outside it might be 15 people who throw trash in a wrong place so if there's 1000 people throwing trash it might have 150 people throw the trash to the wrong place so this is a big problem ok so the second problem is I will have to go to school and my school is kinda far from my house so if I want to be on time I might have to take some public transportation or my dads car usually I take my dads car so I create a lot of air pollution with my dad and with a bunch of cars and scooter drivers too that's a big problem. Just take these two environmental problem can already cost a lot of pollution or bad things to the environment so we should really take care of these problems by throwing trash carefully and buying stuff carefully so we don't create trash or waste to the environment

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  • mr.cheng_s-request-to-think-about-the-environment.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:22
  • by yiler.huang