
plastic bottle

By Ingram chung

There is a plastic bottle named ben. He used to be a happy little drink container. After Ingram was bought and the drink inside was finished, the person didn't properly put him into the correct recycling bin. Ingram was placed outside, next to the 'Other' bin, with no lid on to protect himself. It rained, wind flow him into a building. When the electricity was turned on in the building, Ingram was too close to the edge of the bin and he was sucked in with the air. Ingram was falling. Pretty soon, Ingram was falling past two more floors, having finally reached the ground floor. And falling. It was dark on the way down, and he couldn't see much. Ingram could only hear the wind whistling past his ears. When Ingram could no longer hear the noise or feel the wind, he was shocked to realize he was inside the bin. He was in total darkness. Eventually, Ingram tripped on something soft. It was a soft, rotten apple. He was in the 'Other' bin, where the food unfit for human consumption was. He looked around, but he couldn't see anything, because the food scraps were blocking out the light.

After a few days truck is coming The people above took him away But he fell off on the way to the garbage dump.




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  • ingram-chung-plastic_bottles_whole_life.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:24
  • by yiler.huang