
At first I think value can only be used to judge, but after we talk about this topic, I think more about this topic, it makes a huge difference for my thinking.

I think i have a lot of thing to throw away, no it’s my whole family have a lot of thing to throw away, I have a lot of thing that is from my childhood and my parents have a lot of old things if i didn’t throw a away of the thing we won’t have enough space for my house.

when we go to hard off i see a lot of things that looks good, but is not the things that i will need, So i go to sell my stuff first after i sell it i see a drawing pad that is cheaper then the new one for 900NT,I think is a good deal, because i can use the pad in many place.

The pad helps me a lot with school work and other things that I need to do. I can draw more detail with it. It's a very useful tool for students, and it makes me want to do better at work, it will make everything easier.

After we go to hard-off i start thinking about the things I already have and try to be careful with them. Then I don't need to buy things very often.

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  • ingram-chung-how_to_don_t_waste.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:25
  • by yiler.huang