
Toy for Daguang: AWM

Knowing Your Client

  • What is their favorite free time activity

They both like to play game and play sport.

  • What food do they often eat for lunch

They often eat the food at school.

  • The place they often go to after school

They often go home after school.

  • Something they really want to buy

They want to buy a new phone.

  • What is one of their dreams in life

They want to be a pro gamer.

Background Story for DaGuang Toy

傳說中有兩隻神獸一隻是蛇一隻是龍但是經過千年的演變他們被人類收服了 人類們發現他們具有強大的力量所以把牠們放到槍裡提高力量並且拿給最精英的狙擊手使用

Final Video Meet

  • ingram-chung-daguang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 03:42
  • by ingram.chung