
Mr. Jiang from Gogoro came last Friday and talked about electric cars, the Gogoro power network, why they made electric scooters, how to work efficiently, and his work as a programmer at Gogoro.

Mr.jiang is Dr Bell's friends,they met because of programming,and Mr. Jiang let us learn basic about electric cars, and Mr. Jiang showed us the factore about electric cars and some advertisements. He uses javascript to make a map for their Gogoro power network.

Actually at first electric cars had more than normal gas cars, the reason is because at that time, gas was very expensive and they alerday made the battery out, but after a few years the gas became cheaper and the internal combustion engine technology was very big, so people started using gasoline cars.

I think we need more of electric cars if we don’t start using this kind of product, the earth will die very soon, but even we can’t buy any car we can still start doing some things for helping the earth.


Gogoro 的蔣先生上週五來了,談到了電動汽車、Gogoro 電網、他們為什麼要製造電動滑板車、如何高效工作以及他在 Gogoro 作為程序員的工作。

姜老師是貝爾博士的朋友,他們是因為編程認識的,姜老師讓我們學習了電動車的基本知識,姜老師帶我們了解了電動車的相關知識和一些廣告。 他使用 javascript 為他們的 Gogoro 電力網絡製作地圖。

其實一開始電動車比一般的汽油車多,原因是那個時候汽油很貴,電池也早早淘汰了,但是幾年後汽油便宜了,內燃機技術很大 ,所以人們開始使用汽油車。


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  • ingram-chung-comparison_of_electric_vehicles_and_gasoline_vehicles.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:25
  • by yiler.huang