
1. What do the lyrics mean? 意味著我們需要保護。 2. What feelings or opinions do your parents have about the song or the lyrics? 我們只有一個地球,而不是地球上唯一的一個物種。 3. What are your feelings about the lyrics? 很傷心。 4. What are your feelings about the music? 非常好。 5. Does the music help to express the meaning of the lyrics? Why or why not? How? 是的,它確實有幫助。 因為它讓你沉浸在歌詞中。 6. Did this song change how you feel about the environment? Why or why not? 是的,因為這是一首老歌,已經很久了,我們仍然有問題

  • ingram-chung-chinese_version_of_goals.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/16 22:46
  • by ingram.chung