
On Tuesday we go watch a movie called City of Lost Things, And I don’t think this is a good movie.

In this movie the protagonist name is leaf, and he hate home hate school hate street culture, He hate everything there’s no place he can go, and he save a plastic bag from a bad car, The bag call baggy , and they think they are all trash, there’s a city call trash city, there are all trash inside. Baggy wants to run away from it, and in the end he succeeds.

There are some problems in the movie, Like sometimes the words and the mouth didn’t match, and sometimes the voice actor will laugh out, I think the reason is because the voice actor is not professional, they are just normal actors.

I think next time they should find a professional voice actor, and have better script, because the movie script is very weird. It feels like the movie keeps talking the same thing, so it will make you feel sleepy. If you want to watch a movie this is not your first choice.



在這部電影中,主人公名叫葉子,他討厭家討厭學校討厭街頭文化,他討厭無處可去的一切,他從壞車裡救了一個塑料袋,袋子叫寬鬆,他們認為他們是 全是垃圾,有一個城市叫垃圾城,裡面全是垃圾。 Baggy想逃避它,最後他成功了。


我想下次他們應該找個專業的配音演員,有更好的劇本,因為電影劇本很奇怪。 感覺就像電影一直在說同樣的話,所以它會讓你感到困倦。 如果您想看電影,這不是您的首選。

  • ingram-chung-a_review_of_city_of_lost_thing_s.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 23:49
  • by ron.liu