
Rex Lee Thoughts on Trash, Materials, and Value

Visiting Hard-Off


1. The world has full of different kind of values, some of them is important(valuable) to everyone or most of the people, some of the value is just for someone, what's the biggest value for you? In school we discuss about what value means and this is what we talked about and what me and my family think about “value”

2. The common values for most people is the thing u need or u love like money family friend or the thing that can make u keep ur life going well or just for living the small value for person might be their own experience or their own encounter to make them feel like that's important for them like their own story with their family or if they have some problems in their life that they might need that thing for staying alive or living well.

3. Our school been talking about and discussing about what does value mean we are mostly talking about different things for different people have different level of value, like for the people who are really poor and finding a way to survive small money for rich people can really make their life that's such a big value for poor guys but for rich peoples that's fine.

4. Value can be anything such as a thing like money, or it can be something like pet or humans is just everything u need and u like and make u fell good is just a good thing for u and is a important thing for u I ask my family what does value mean for them, my mom says:[value means something that are important for u value is different for each different people.

5. The world has full of different kind of values, some of them is (valuable) to everyone or most of the people, some of the value is just for someone, what's the biggest or the most important value for you?


2. 對大多數人來說,共同的價值觀是你需要或你喜歡的東西,比如金錢家人朋友,或者能讓你保持生活順利的東西,或者只是為了生活的東西。讓他們覺得這對他們很重要,就像他們自己與家人的故事一樣,或者如果他們的生活中有一些問題,他們可能需要那個東西來維持生命或過上好日子。


4. 價值可以是諸如金錢之類的東西,也可以是寵物或人類之類的東西,這只是你需要的一切,你喜歡並使你墮落對你來說只是一件好事,對你來說是一件重要的事情問我的家人,價值對他們意味著什麼,我媽媽說:[價值意味著對你很重要的東西,每個人的價值是不同的.

5. 世界上有很多不同的價值觀,有的對每個人或大多數人都是(有價值的),有的只是對某人而言,對你來說最大或最重要的價值是什麼?

The world has full of different kind of values, some of them is important(valuable) to everyone or most of the people, some of the value is just for someone, what's the biggest value for you?

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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 19:53
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