
Learning Process: Hands-on Learning Experiences / 實做學習經驗

Recycling as a Personal Economic Activity (HardOff) 讓回收成為個人的經濟活動 (海德沃福)

The students experience the process of recycling as an economic activity and further contemplate the value behind “things”.


Taoyuan Datan Algal Reefs 桃園大潭藻礁

A visit to see first hand the algal reefs at the heart of the natural gas receiving station controversy.


Visiting Qing Shan Clients 親訪青山國小客戶

An on-site client communication/proposal session with some very cute customers.


Things Worth Protecting (Dahu Park) 值得保護的事物 (大湖公園)

A trip to see some of the things that environmental protection is for.


Tzu Chi Recycling Center 慈濟環保回收站

A visit to learn about recycling and upcycling, the machines involved, and the overall process.


Hands-on at the Recycling Center 回收站內動手學習

Seeing up close the manual process of recycling of differing materials, hands-on experience in the plastic recycling process.


  • hands-on.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/22 21:00
  • by scott.chen