
Learning Process: Environmental and Social Learning / 環境及社會教育

Environmental Protection and the Referendum 環境保護及公投

The students learn what “ecosystem” entails and are introduced to the current greatest social/environmental issue of these years in Taiwan.


Why Do People Love To Shop? 人們為何愛購物?

The class talks about the actual and psychological factors which push people towards consumption.


What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen? 何謂「公民」身分?

Discussion about what it means to be a citizen, what it means to exercise the rights and responsibilities of a citizen, and the importance of being an active social member.


Taking Part in the Democratic Process, What is a Referendum? 參與民主,何謂公投?

Discussing the importance of citizen involvement, an explanation of the referendum process.


  • environmental-social.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/23 00:53
  • by scott.chen