
Learning and Production Process / 學習與產出的歷程

Part1 - What is Trash? 何謂「垃圾」?

Here, the students are introduced to the semester main topic and goal, and a shared conception and definition is established.


Part2 - Environmental Protection and the Referendum 環境保護及公投

The students learn what “ecosystem” entails and are introduced to the current greatest social/environmental issue of these years in Taiwan.


Part3 - Common Good 公共利益

Discussion about the concepts of “good”, “social responsibility”, and individual obligation to the group, with the context of environmental protection in mind.


Part4 - Corporate Responsibility 企業責任

Asking the question of if and how companies have responsibility to society and the environment.

企業是否應對社會和環境負責? 應以何種形式?

Part5 - Why Do People Love To Shop? 人們為何愛購物?

The class talks about the actual and psychological factors which push people towards consumption.


Part6 - Recycling From the Manufacturing Side (Chang-Ho) 從製造商的角度瞭解回收 (昶和纖維興業)

An example of how producers can make recycling and reuse a “built-in” feature of eco-friendly products, and a discussion about how current economic incentives are not properly aligned with ecological goals.


Part7 - The Second-hand Business Model (HardOff) 二手商業模式 (海德沃福)

A discussion about corporate values and ethics, and how recycling can be a spiritually and economically rewarding experience.


Part8 - Researching Clients 客戶調查

The first step in performing due diligence and an attempt to form a rudimentary customer persona.


Part9-1 Adjusting Client Personas 人物誌調整

After a first video meeting with our client group, the students discussed prior misconceptions they had about the client population, and adjustments to beliefs held regarding client preferences and needs.


Part9-2 Researching Parents' Childhood 調查父母的童年

An exercise in performing client research, this time with the sample client group of the students' own parents.


Part9-3 When My Parents Were Young...在我父母年輕時。。。

Sharing some findings in research of parents' childhoods, discussion of the factors which shape people's values and desires.


Part10 - Toy Ideation for Qing Shan Elementary clients 為青山國小客戶構想玩具設計

Groups pitch their first round ideas regarding products that would meet the needs of the Qing Shan Elementary School client group.


Part11 - What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen? 何謂「公民」身分?

Discussion about what it means to be a citizen, what it means to exercise the rights and responsibilities of a citizen, and the importance of being an active social member.


Part12 - 3D Printing Techniques (Geez) 3D 列印技巧 (奇實數位文創)

Industry expert speaks about techniques in 3d printing and has an important discussion regarding intellectual property rights and ethics in the creation process.


Part13 - Recycling as a Personal Economic Activity (HardOff) 讓回收成為個人的經濟活動 (海德沃福)

The students experience the process of recycling as an economic activity and further contemplate the value behind “things”.


Part14 - Taoyuan Datan Algal Reefs 桃園大潭藻礁

A visit to see first hand the algal reefs at the heart of the natural gas receiving station controversy.


Part15 - Efficiency in Energy Storage and Distribution 能源的儲存與供給效率 (Gogoro)

An industry expert discusses how the logistics of energy storage and usage can redefine the economics of electricity usage. Also, a discussion regarding education in programming skills.


Part16 - Visiting Qing Shan Clients 親訪青山國小客戶

An on-site client communication/proposal session with some very cute customers.


Part17 - Fashion and the Move to Sustainability (Momentum) 時尚及永續發展 (摩曼頓)

Industry expert discusses the intersection of fashion and environmental protection, and current techniques moving the world in that direction.


Part18 - Things Worth Protecting (Dahu Park) 值得保護的事物 (大湖公園)

A trip to see some of the things that environmental protection is for.


Part19 - Tzu Chi Recycling Center 慈濟環保回收站

A visit to learn about recycling and upcycling, the machines involved, and the overall process.


Part20 - Hands-on at the Recycling Center 回收站內動手學習

Seeing up close the manual process of recycling of differing materials, hands-on experience in the plastic recycling process.


Part21 - Working On Products for Da Guang Clients 製作大光國小客戶的玩具產品

Some parts of the multi-step production of presents for our Da Guang Elementary School clients.


Part22 - Completion and Delivery of Da Guang Product 完成與寄送大光國小玩具產品

Finishing up, packaging, and delivery to our Da Guang client group.


Part23 - Unboxing, DaGuang Clients 大光客戶開箱

Our client group at Ping Tung Da Guang Elementary unboxing and reaction.


Part24 - Taking Part in the Democratic System, What is a Referendum? 參與民主,何謂公投?

Discussing the importance of citizen involvement, an explanation of the referendum process.


Part25 - Reflection on the Learning Process 對於學習歷程的反思與感想

Reflecting on the teamwork and project process, good, bad, and ugly.


  • chronological.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/23 00:56
  • by scott.chen