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hosting your sketches on a local server

We can view our sketches in the p5js editor, or we can host them ourselves with a web server and then open that page with a browser to view it.

What's a web server? It's a software process that can send html and related files using HTTP.

Check out the explanation on Wikipedia:

This page describes HTTP:

Advantages to doing things this way include:

  1. you can work well offline
  2. you can be sure to have your work saved locally
  3. you don't have to see the editor
  4. it should run at least a little faster since you don't need to wait for communication with the editor's server
  5. other advantages…

One of the disadvantages is that you need to set things up, but it's not a lot of work. The steps are as follows:

  1. install nodejs and npm
  2. using npm, install http-server
  3. make a directory for your project
  4. put the necessary files in the directory
  5. run http-server from the command line in that directory
  6. use your browser to access the IP address indicated by http-server

Let's look at each step in detail. We're going to self-host this poor sketch:

If you want to follow along with my files, you can:

I'd suggest using one of your own, though!

Nodejs is available here, but you probably want to get it from your package manager instead:

For Linux, check your distribution. For example, complete instructions for Arch Linux are here:

For Mac, you might use brew:

For Windows, you could use Chocolatey:

NPM, the Node Package Manager, comes with your Nodejs installation. Use it to install the http-server package:

I usually make a directory for each sketch while I'm working. Web servers don't deal well with file names or directory names that contain characters other than the alphabet and numbers, so be sure to limit the name of the directory and the files in it in this way. You can download your files as a zip from the editor and then even use the unzipped directory to host the files, though the directory name is kind of long.

If you downloaded them from the editor, then you'll have all of the files in the zip. That includes:

  1. sketch.js
  2. the p5js libraries: p5.js and p5.sound.min.js
  3. index.html
  4. style.css

If you are creating from scratch rather than downloading, be sure to have all of these files and make sure that your index.html references them correctly. Download a sketch from the editor to see one correct way.

Open a terminal and change to the directory where the index.html is located. Any files which you have in this directory will be accessible by the web server which you are about to launch.

In the terminal, run the command:


If the command is not found, be sure that the directory where the bin of http-server is on your system's PATH. Fixing this will depend on your operating system.

If your PATH is configured correctly, you should see something like this in the terminal:

http-server will present addresses which you can use in your browser to see the sketch. In the example above, you can see these:

In my case, either of these can be used. In your case, you probably have the same first choice and a different second choice. Copy one of them from YOUR case and paste it in the address bar in your browser and hit enter. You should then be able to see your sketch in the browser. It looks like this for me:

  • p5js-local-server.1708493429.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
  • by renick