
Brandon Chen

Hi my name is Brandon.

I am from California and I love to play games, hangout with my friends, and many more things. I haven’t had many experiences with animals. It was really hard for me to play with a dog or cat because I just have this feeling that they are going to bite me if I do anything wrong. This is because my mom said she got bit once and that had scared her from touching an animal.

I think this semester changed my thoughts. I have learned why there are many animals and why there isn’t enough space for these animals to go to a shelter. When I went to RuiFang, it was a whole new experience. I learned that even some scary animals are very nice. I learned that homeless animals always have to fight for their life. For example, they would have to fight for food and water to survive. I learned that we need to neuter these animals so they can stop making more children. This can help reduce the amount of homeless animals.

Something I have grown and improved is thinking for more ideas and thoughts. This experience was very helpful because there were many things I wouldn’t rethink about. For example, I wouldn’t even think about homeless animals being a problem. I thought that animals wouldn’t fight for food because Taiwan has many food markets. When I started to think more, I felt more emapathetic. I would think and understand about someones feelings and thoughts.




My Role in the class

What I think about Animal Cruelty

  • students/brandon-chen.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/06/22 18:26
  • by brandon.chen