
Helping at RuiFang 瑞芳動物之家義工服務

Learning and growth is always more effective with an actual hands-on element, and the same goes for learning about social issues and the importance of contributing to society. As part of our semester-long theme, we traveled to and volunteered at RuiFang Animal Shelter.

通過動手實踐的教育方式,總是能促進學生的學習成效和自我成長。如果想更深入地瞭解社會問題以及社會貢獻的重要性,實踐與身體力行亦是最有效率的不二法門。 因此,為呼應本學期「慈善」的主題,我們兩次前往瑞芳動物之家擔任義工。

Students were able to see firsthand the situation that we are trying to better, and to meet and interact with the dogs that we are hoping to help. They were able to establish a personal bond with the animals and to more deeply feel the importance of their work. It is clear that what we are working on in class has a real impact on real lives.


To be able to better society and the world in some small way through personal action is surely one of the most fulfilling and worthwhile actions that one can take in life, and this was a message that the students were able to receive not just in concept, but into the core of their being.


Click here to look at more pictures of our experience at RuiFang Animal Shelter 點擊此處觀看我們在瑞芳收容所的相簿

  • learning-process/ruifang.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/06/28 23:34
  • by scott.chen