Generative Dog Animation through Coding
CrazyDog.js is yet another assignment we worked on which involved the use of software. We used the editor p5.js to create animations which included movement, changes in color, and randomization of output. This involved not only programming skills, but also math knowledge as well.
CrazyDog.js 也是一個需要運用電腦軟體完成的作業。 學生們運用 p5.js 編輯器創建多種不同的動畫效果,如物體移動、顏色變化和隨機效應等。 這項作業不僅涉及程式編輯的能力,還涉及數學概念。
The works produced in this section were not “drawn” in the traditional sense, but rather were programmed into existence by the students writing commands to the computer, which executed lines of code according to the instructions given. As with all our work, this process trained the students to see, consider, plan, and design their world in different ways.
Click here to look at the coded dog animations 點擊此處觀看完成的狗狗動畫