Audio Collage 聲音拼貼
As part of our original exhibition plan, creating a feeling of immediacy for the viewers was a target we planned to achieve. Creating a realistic atmosphere and telling a good story depends in large part on well-executed sound design.
Students learned how to use, store, and assemble basic recording equipment, and through use of Audacity software, to edit and manipulate sound. Our first task in this area was to sample different sounds, and to edit them into a coherent whole to tell a simple story.
我們教導學生如何使用、收納和組裝基礎的錄音設備,以及使用 Audacity 軟體進行聲音編輯。 學生被給予的第一個任務,就是對校外各式各樣的聲音採樣,再將這些聲音後製成一個連貫的音檔來講述一個故事。
We designed our own simple sets with everyday materials, and filmed a short story on our desks. The results were quite cute, and more importantly gave us some useful practice in thinking about how to use and edit sound for communication purposes.
These are video clips we filmed with edited sound 以下視頻是學生加入聲音編輯的小短片