3D Dogs 3D狗繪製
An important goal for this semester’s mission of helping homeless animals is to raise funds to support animal charities such as our partners at Taiwan SPCA. One way that we planned to do this was through the design and manufacture of small, 3D printed dogs, which our students completed from ideation to finished product. These dog figures would later go on sale, with proceeds being donated to animal charities.
為幫助流浪動物,本學期一個重要的目標是協助動物慈善機構及保護組織募款,例如我們的合作夥伴-台灣防止虐待動物協會( SPCA) 。我們的計劃是設計和製造一系列的小型 3D 列印狗模型,並進行義賣,而義賣所得將全數捐贈給動物慈善機構。這些模型從構思到做出完成品皆會由學生親自完成。
While we are putting the production and fundraising aspects of this plan on hold due to the current COVID-19 situation, we have still undertaken the learning, design, adjustment, and finalization steps of the process, and are displaying this work in the digital space.
儘管因為 COVID-19疫情的關係,導致原定計畫中的生產和募款款部分必須暫緩,但我們對其他步驟的教育都仍在進行,包括設計、調整以及如何在新架設的線上空間展示作品等。
To reach this final product, students combined their previously learned visual editing skills in Inkscape with a newly learned program of Blender to create and edit objects in 3D space. Blender is a powerful software utilized by professionals in the movie and game design industries, along with other creative productions.
最終的成品是學生們將 Inkscape 中學到的視覺編輯技術和新習得的 Blender軟體融合下的結晶。他們在3D的空間中創建和編輯自己的作品。 Blender是一款功能強大的軟體,在業界不論是在電影製作、遊戲設計或是其他創意產品的開發上皆會使用。
As part of this creative process, we also practiced more traditional art skills in observing light and shadow, identifying different levels of darkness. Basic shapes were combined, shaped, and edited to complete dog designs which the students had previously visualized in 2D.
These designs were later painted in Blender as well. The final result is shown on this website, and we hope to physically produce our designs in the near future.
這些設計後來也在 Blender 中上色。在這個網站上可以看到所有學生的作品,我們希望在不久的未來能將這些作品實際生產。