======Day in the Life of a Dog 從狗狗的視角看世界====== “Day in the Life of a Dog” was planned to be an important and immersive part of our semester-end art exhibition. The goal was to allow the audience to see from a dog’s eye view, the challenges, dangers, and experiences that homeless dogs face on a daily basis. 「從狗狗的視角看世界」的成果在原定的期末展計畫中,扮演了舉足輕重的腳色。 我們期望這些通過狗的視角錄製的影片,能讓觀眾猶如身臨其境般地感受,身為一隻流浪犬每天的經歷,以及必須面臨的危險和挑戰。 {{:learning-process:dayofdog_1_.jpg?0x550|}} {{:learning-process:dayofdog.jpg?0x550|}} {{:learning-process:dayofdog9.jpg?0x550|}} The students learned how to plan a shoot, and how to divide up roles and responsibilities for a small film crew. 我們教導學生如何計劃拍攝,以及一個攝製組應如何分配職責。 {{:learning-process:dayofdog5.jpg?0x380|}} {{:learning-process:dayofdog7.jpg?0x380|}} Most importantly, students practiced how to use a storyboard for the planning of filming. This tool can be useful in different contexts for the planning of telling a story and conveying information, and helps to visualize ideas in a logical sequence for better communication. 學生們最重要的收穫就是學習到如何運用故事板(Storyboard)規劃拍攝。 這工具不論是在敘述故事或是傳達訊息都被廣泛地應用,它有助於將想法視覺化並按照邏輯順排序以進行更好的傳遞。 {{:learning-process:dayofdog6.jpg?0x380|}} {{:learning-process:dayofdog8.jpg?0x380|}} {{:learning-process:dayofdog2.jpg?0x380|}}