=====Larissa Kuo's crazyDog.js===== by [[Larissa-kuo|Larissa]] ===== about my CrazyDog.js ===== My dog is supposed to look like a teddy bear, but instead, it looks like a real bear instead of a cute teddy bear. But my dog does shine in different colors, and it does let your eyes catch it. I had some difficulty during the process of my dog, but at last, I got to finish my dog at the right time. My dog moves up and pretty smoothly, I hope my dog lets you have a bright and warm time after you see it. The animation code is released under the [[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html|GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1]]. ===== the code for my crazyDog.js ===== function setup() { createCanvas(1800, 780) } class BackgroundPattern { constructor (xposition, yposition, cSize, sSize, cColor, sColor) { this.xposition = xposition; this.yposition = yposition; this.circleSize = cSize; this.squareSize = sSize; this.circleColor = cColor; this.squareColor = sColor } draw () { fill(this.circleColor); circle(this.xposition+100,this.yposition+100,this.circleSize); fill(this.squareColor); square(this.xposition+80,this.yposition+100,this.squareSize); square(this.xposition+120,this.yposition+100,this.squareSize); } } class Dog { constructor (xposition,yposition) { this.xposition = xposition; this.yposition = yposition; } draw (){ //ears1 fill(Math.random() * 255,Math.random()* 255,Math.random() * 225) circle(this.xposition+130, this.yposition+90, 80); //ear2 fill (Math.random() * 255,Math.random()* 255,Math.random() * 225 ) circle(this.xposition+255, this.yposition+80, 80); //earing1 fill( 255,255, 225) circle(this.xposition+140, this.yposition+90, 25); //earing2 fill(Math.random() ) circle(this.xposition+250,this.yposition+80,25); //body fill(Math.random() * 255,Math.random() * 255,Math.random() * 225) ellipse(this.xposition+205, this.yposition+300, 150, 170); //hands ellipse(this.xposition+205, this.yposition+300, 15, 15); //head fill (255, 255, 255 ) circle(this.xposition+200, this.yposition+140, 155); //eyes1 fill(Math.random() * 255,Math.random() * 255,Math.random() * 225) circle(this.xposition+170, this.yposition+135, 50); //eyes2 fill(Math.random() * 255,Math.random() * 255,Math.random() * 225) circle(this.xposition+230, this.yposition+135, 50); //mouth1 fill (Math.random() ) circle(this.xposition+170,this.yposition+140, 10); //mouth2 fill(Math.random() ) circle(this.xposition+230,this.yposition+140,10); //mouth3 fill(Math.random() ) circle(this.xpositio+200,this.yposition+190,40); //hand1 fill(255,255,255 ) circle(this.xposition+140,this.yposition+250,40); //hand2 fill(255,255,255 ) circle(this.xposition+270,this.yposition+250,40); //leg1 fill(255,255,255 ) circle(this.xposition+230,this.yposition+140,20); //leg2 fill(255,255,255 ) circle(this.xposition+140,this.yposition+350,60); //leg3 fill(Math.random() * 255,Math.random() * 255,Math.random() * 225) circle(this.xposition+260,this.yposition+350,60); } } function backgroundPatternArray (n, y) { let outputArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < n ; i++) { outputArray.push(new BackgroundPattern (20 + (i*120),0 + y,50, 10,"pink", "light blue")) } return outputArray } function dogArray (n, y) { let outputArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < n ; i++) { outputArray.push(new Dog (20 + (i*120),100+y)) } return outputArray } function draw() { background(217, 255, 253); //let square2 = new BackgroundPattern (200,0,100, 30,"light blue", "pink"); //square2.draw(); for(let i = 0; i < 10 ; i++){ let myBackgroundPattern = backgroundPatternArray(25,0 + (i * 100)); for(let i = 0; i < myBackgroundPattern.length ; i++){ myBackgroundPattern[i].draw() } } y = (height * (1/2)) + (Math.sin(frameCount/10) * (height/5)) let myDogs = dogArray(25, y); for(let i = 0; i < myDogs.length ; i++){ myDogs[i].draw() } } Click here to adopt! [[:all-dogs|Adopt Our Dog]]