====== Hi I Am Steve ====== Hi, I am Steve. I am a student and I am 17 years old.This is my website where I will be recording my projects and my studies. My interest lies with software. I just get lost while I am messing with code and start losing track of time. I was able to find this interest because I have always been interested in tech and I was never good at small things like wires. I have trouble seeing small things with my glasses on so, software is something I am able to enjoy without much trouble. That being said, I did learn some hardware skills to compliment my software skills. To see some of my projects, go to the navbar and under the software section. I am trying to get better at it because it is quite fun and if I get good enough I can make money. I like money so I am going to work hard. One of the major projects I have worked on is Konduktiva. It is a JavaScript library for live coding, an improved version of the Conductive library for live coding in the Haskell programming language by Renick Bell. I have helped improve the Konduktiva libary and have co-written a paper. Click [[https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3678299.3678336|here to read the paper]] or click here to read more about [[konduktiva|here to read more]]. Another big software thing I spend a lot of time on is learning about Linux operating system. With my current laptop, I have had a lot of trouble with various things using the Linux operating system. I have documented my journey [[steve-linux-journey|here]]. I am now living in Taiwan but I grew up in Singapore. This website is still being worked on and more things will be added in the near future. My teacher will make me update it. I would also like to mention my logo, the back button. I made it a back button because the logo would bring you to this page, the start page so I thought it acted like a back button. So, I designed it as a back button because I like things to be practical. ==== Hobbies ==== In my free time, I like to watch Youtube but sometimes I enjoy gaming. When I watch Youtube, I usually watch funny and stupid videos that just make me relax. I sometimes play Chess at school when I am bored or tired because I have found a loophole in the school rules that technically allows me to do so. Most of the time I dislike doing math but we work on math 3 days a week at school which is quite annoying. I also dislike science quizes/tests. I have to memorize a bunch of stuff I probably will not use in the future. Even so, I am not terrible at taking exams because of my time in traditional schools so, I do not fail most of the time. I also hate making user interfaces. ==== Future Projects ==== I am currently working on AI algorithms to improve the user experience of the users of Konduktiva. If you have time to mess with my code, please tell me if you find any bugs. Feel free to email me at stevesg168@gmail.com Thanks for visiting my website and I hope you have a good time.