At first, I wanted my flowers to be in a winter wonderland theme, but the instruction says no, so I changed my flowers to different types of various shapes. I went with light pastel colors because I felt like pastel colors just give us more energy.
function buildArray (n, fillFunction) { let outputArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { outputArray.push(fillFunction(i)) } return outputArray } function randomRange(min, max) { return min + (max - min) * Math.random(); } function pick(inputArray) { return inputArray[Math.floor(inputArray.length * Math.random())]; } let colors = ["white","pink","lavender"]; let shapes = ['ellipse', 'rect','circle'] //let shapes = ['ellipse'] class Flower { constructor () { this.color = pick(colors); this.shape = pick(shapes); this.xposition = randomRange(20,1700); this.yposition = randomRange(20,700); this.size = (50,80); } draw() { translate(this.xposition,this.yposition) for(let i = 0; i < 7; i++){ //fill(235, 64, 52) fill(this.color); if (this.shape == 'circle') {circle(0,60,80)} else if (this.shape == 'rect') {rect(0,60,80,80)} else {ellipse(0,60,80,160)} rotate(PI/3) }fill(252, 252, 144) circle(0, 0, 80); resetMatrix() } } function setup() { createCanvas(1700, 800); //noLoop() noStroke() } let flowers = buildArray (100, i => new Flower()); console.log(flowers); function draw() { background(199, 220, 255); flowers.forEach(f => f.draw()) textSize(15) text("x:"+mouseX, 0, height/2) text("y:"+mouseY, 0, height/3) let move = 0 + sin(frameCount/10)*20; let X = (2) * frameCount % (30 + height/2); }