====== Essays / 作文集 ====== This semester the students spent a lot of time learning to structure their thoughts in order to present ideas logically and persuasively in written form. The students selected their two favorite essays from the semester. Writings all revolved around the topics of perceptions of value, reuse, environmental protection, and energy usage. They are listed here according to topic. 本學期的寫作課運用了大量時間強化學生思維能力,並引導他們通過寫作的方式,將自己的想法具有邏輯性和說服力地表達。本學期寫作的主題皆圍繞著價值觀的認知、資源再利用、環保與能源。每位學生選擇 了兩篇他們最為滿意的作文在此頁面展示,下列為他們選擇的作文 (按主題排序)。 ===== Writing about the Environment / 環境議題===== * {{::olivia-whose-job-is-environmental-protection.png?100}} [[olivia-Whose-job-is-environmental-protection|Olivia Wang - Whose Job is Environmental Protection? 保護環境究竟是誰的責任?]] * {{::anna-s.png?100|}} [[anna-yang-Earth is hurt|Anna Yang - Earth is hurt 地球受傷了]] * [[[Oliver-explaining-the-EQPF-presentation-by-Mr-Cheng|Oliver Wang - EQPF 環品會]] * [[ron-liu-EQPF|Ron Liu - The Environment and Politics 環境與政治]] * {{::yuna-environment.png?100|}} [[yuna-wu-explaining-the-eqpf-presentation-by-mr.cheng|Yuna Wu - Types of Environment and Water 不同種類的環境和水]] * [[rex-mark-and-eqpf|Rex Lee - Rex what is environnment 甚麼是環境]] * {{:screen_shot_2022-01-18_at_15.41.22.png?100|}} [[larissa-kuo-mercy-mercy-me |Larissa Kuo - A Song that Tells You about the Environment一首告訴你何謂環境的歌]] ===== Writing about Presentation by Gogoro / Gogoro 講座聽後感 ===== * {{:gogoroscooters.jpg?100|}} [[lucas-tam-writing-about-Mr.Jiang-from-gogoro|Lucas Tam - Company Makes Electric Scooters to Help Save the Environment 公司製造電動滑板車以幫助保護環境]] * [[ron-liu-Gogoro|Ron Liu - Gogoro and Electric VehiclesGogoro 和電動汽車]] * {{::yuna-gogoro.png?100|}} [[yuna-wu-writing-about-Mr-Jiang-from-Gogoro|Yuna Wu - The Things You Will Want to Know About Electric Cars 你會想知道有關於電動汽車的事情]] ===== City of Lost Things Movie Reviews / 廢棄之城電影評論 ===== * {{:city-of-the-bad-acting.jpg?100|}} [[lucas-tam-review-of-city-of-lost-things|Lucas Tam - This Movie is So Bad That it Will Make You Not Want To Watch it. 這部電影太糟糕了,它會讓你不想看]] * {{:steve_trash_movie.jpg?100|}} [[Steve-a-review-of-City-of-Lost-Things|Steve Wang - The Pathetic Movie: City of Lost Things 可悲的電影:失物之城]] * [[oliver-3-Suggestions-to-Improve-the-Movie|Oliver Wang - Is The City Of Lost Thing is a very bad movie? 廢棄之城是壞電影嗎?]] * {{::city-of-lost-things-poster-sq.png?100|}} [[yiler-city-of-lost-things|Yiler Huang - A Trash Movie About Trash: City of Lost Things 《廢棄之城》:一部不好看的電影]] * {{::zoey-city_of_lost_things_movie_reviews.png?100|}} [[ Zoey-a review of City of Lost Things| Zoey Lin -A talking plastic bag!!! 塑料袋會說話!!!]] ===== Writing about Value and the Meaning of Things / 探討物品背後的意義與價值===== * {{::thoughts-on-value-and-the-meaning-of-things-sq.png?100|}} [[olivia-Thoughts-on-"Value"-and-the-Meaning-of-"Things"|Olivia Wang - Changes in My thoughts about "Value" in This Semester 經過這學期我對「價值」看法的變化]] * [[Zoey-Thoughts on "Value" and the Meaning of "Things"| Zoey Lin - Turming Trash into Treasure 垃圾變寶藏]] * [[rex-Thoughts-on-"Value"-and-the-Meaning-of-"Things"|Rex Lee - Thoughts on Value 思考價值]] ===== Writing about the Referendum / 公投議題 ===== * {{:lng_container.jpg?100|}} [[Steve-The Referendum|Steve Wang - The Dangers of Liquid Natural Gas and Why We Should Not Use It 液化天然氣的危險以及我們為什麼不應該使用它]] ===== Writing about Reuse and Sustainability / 再利用與永續發展 ===== * {{:redus.jpg?100|}} [[larissa-kuo-circular-economy|Larissa Kuo - Writing about the Circular Economy循環經濟]] * [[ingram-chung-mark|Ingram Chung - Writing about Mark's Recycling Presentation 關於Mr.Mark的回收演講]] * {{::yiler-circular-economy-shoes.png?100|}} [[yiler-circular-economy|Yiler Huang - Circular Economy: Shop and Save The World 循環經濟:購物拯救世界]] ===== Writing about Toys / 玩具故事 ===== * {{::anna-butterfly.png?100|}} [[anna-yang-toy for the kids|Anna Yang - Toy for the Kids 給小孩子的玩具]] ===== Essays Listed by Student / 學生的作文集 ===== You can find all of the students' essays on their individual essay pages here 下列為學生的作文集連結(按學生姓名的英文字母順序排序): * [[anna-yang-essays|Anna Yang]] * [[brendan-hsu-essays|Brendan Hsu]] * [[ingram-chung-essays|Ingram Chung]] * [[larissa-kuo-essays|Larissa Kuo]] * [[lucas-tam-essays|Lucas Tam]] * [[oliver-wang-essays|Oliver Wang]] * [[olivia-wang-essays|Olivia Wang]] * [[howard-lee-essays|Rex Lee]] * [[ron-liu-essays|Ron Liu]] * [[steve-wang-essays|Steve Wang]] * [[yiler-huang-essays|Yiler Huang]] * [[yuna-wu-essays|Yuna Wu]] * [[zoey-lin-essays|Zoey Lin]]