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線上創意程式設計營 (進階營) Online Creative Coding Camp (level 2)



Drawing with code is a great vehicle for learning to program! In this camp, students will continue to use the browser-based p5.js integrated development environment to draw using code. Having been introduced to programming and the JavaScript programming language in the introductory level camp, students will start to become aware of three main paradigms of programming: procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming.

After reviewing the material from the introductory level camp, they will focus on using if-statements and logical operators to create custom control structures for their programs. They will use these control structures to create more useful classes (a fundamental aspect of object-oriented coding) and use these classes to write programs. They will also learn more of the fundamentals of functional programming, such as the “reduce” function.

報名條件 Requirements for Registration

1. 已上過入門營隊的學生。 Students who have already completed our level 1 camp.

2. 能夠在全英文環境中交流和學習。 Able to communicate and learn in an English-speaking environment.

3. 已備妥電腦、耳機麥克風、視訊鏡頭 (上課時需開著鏡頭)及網路。 Access to a computer, a working webcam and microphone, and reliable internet.

*若因網路速度過慢,進而影響到上課品質,很抱歉本協會恕不負責。 The organization is not responsible for negative learning experiences caused by insufficient or unstable internet connection.

活動形式 Activity Format

- 時間:2023年10月28日~12月16日。每週六上午10:00~11:30。

Time: October 28-December 16, 2023.Every Saturday from 10:00 to 11:30.

- 總共8次的線上學習,每次90分鐘。活動內容包含作業和專家回饋。

A total of 8 online meeting sessions, 90 minutes each. This also includes homework tasks which will be reviewed and provided feedback.

- 將有同齡的活動小幫手協助指導。

There will be teaching assistants of the same age as the students.

- 營隊結束時將產出線上作品集並獲得證書。

An online portfolio and certificate of completion will be granted at the end of the camp.

活動費用 Activity Costs


8,000 NTD per participant

活動報名 Sign-up

請直接上報名網址 Registration can be completed at:


Please ensure that you provide an accurate email address and phone number so that we can provide you with updated information and news about our camp.

主辦單位:社團法人應未來文教協會 Hosted by: InFuture Culture and Education Association

Information on Creative Coding Camp Level 1 創意程式設計營隊 (入門)資訊

過去學員的作品 Past Student Work