====== combining interactivity and photos in p5js ======
===== simple example of photos and interaction =====
This version uses four photos and a simple mouse click interaction; depending on where you click, one of the two photos will change randomly. View in full screen:
===== simple example of photos and interaction (doesn't draw 60 times per second) =====
This version might be better because it's not redrawing the photos 60 times per second.
===== sampling a photo and mouse interaction =====
This version just samples the photo randomly and places a sample in each cell of the grid; the photos change based on the mouse position.
===== stochastic sampling of a photo and mouse interaction =====
This version features stochastic sampling of the photo so that the eye is more frequently displayed; the mouse interaction is the same.
===== multiple photos, multiple types of mouse interaction =====
This version uses multiple photographs, choosing a random photograph and then stochastic sampling of that photo; it also changes which photo is being sampled when the mouse is clicked.