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six-common-mistakes-audio [2024/07/07 19:41] – created renicksix-common-mistakes-audio [2024/07/07 20:41] (current) renick
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 Even one bar is no good. Don't use that audio. Even one bar is no good. Don't use that audio.
 +Learn more on getting the levels right when recording here: https://renickbell.net/doku.php?id=getting-the-right-levels
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 You'll repeat your normalization to the target dB at the end of the process as the last step to make sure that your file maxes out at the dB specified by the next person in the process. You'll repeat your normalization to the target dB at the end of the process as the last step to make sure that your file maxes out at the dB specified by the next person in the process.
 +Learn more about adjusting the volume of a sound file here: https://renickbell.net/doku.php?id=audacity-adjust-volume
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 When you are trimming the audio, it's very easy to make a mistake and accidentally trim too much. This is our fourth commonly-made mistake. The number one reason for doing this mistake is trying to trim closely but not zooming in enough to see what you are doing accurately. Let's take a look at the zoom controls, which are here... When you are trimming the audio, it's very easy to make a mistake and accidentally trim too much. This is our fourth commonly-made mistake. The number one reason for doing this mistake is trying to trim closely but not zooming in enough to see what you are doing accurately. Let's take a look at the zoom controls, which are here...
-Another way that this can happen is when you have multiple edit points in the sound and do the same thing in the middle of the file. Consider this case...+Another way that this can happen is when you have multiple edit points in the sound and do the same thing in the middle of the file.  
 +Learn more about the envelope tool here: https://renickbell.net/doku.php?id=audacity-add-envelope
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 The noise gate effect is to remove the noise between pieces of audio which we want to use. The noise gate effect is to remove the noise between pieces of audio which we want to use.
-Here's how to use them:+Learn about noise reduction herehttps://renickbell.net/doku.php?id=audacity-noise-reduction
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 The second thing you can do is use a compressor. A compressor brings down the volume of the peaks (compresses them) and then is usually followed with a gain adjustment (think normalization) to bring up the level of all of the audio, so that the resulting audio is generally louder then before, with all of the details now accentuated. The second thing you can do is use a compressor. A compressor brings down the volume of the peaks (compresses them) and then is usually followed with a gain adjustment (think normalization) to bring up the level of all of the audio, so that the resulting audio is generally louder then before, with all of the details now accentuated.
-Here's how to use the compressor...+Learn more about compression and limiting here: https://renickbell.net/doku.php?id=compression-limiting
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 Finally, avoid spaces and non-alphanumeric characters in the file name other than dash or underscore. These other characters can sometimes cause problems, especially in file transfer, and it would be a tragedy for someone not to be able to download or use otherwise perfect audio that has taken a lot of effort on your part! Finally, avoid spaces and non-alphanumeric characters in the file name other than dash or underscore. These other characters can sometimes cause problems, especially in file transfer, and it would be a tragedy for someone not to be able to download or use otherwise perfect audio that has taken a lot of effort on your part!
 +Learn more about file formats here: https://renickbell.net/doku.php?id=sound-file-formats
  • six-common-mistakes-audio.txt
  • Last modified: 8 months ago
  • by renick