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intro-to-javascript-wokshop [2024/07/05 01:53] renickintro-to-javascript-wokshop [2024/07/05 04:27] (current) renick
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-===== notes ===== +===== term dump ===== 
- +<code> 
 +( ) parentheses, brackets 
 +{ } curly brackets, curly braces 
 +' '  single quotes 
 +" " double quotes 
 +, comma 
 +. period, dot 
 +- dash, hyphen 
 +_ underscore 
 +/ slash 
 +\ backslash 
 +argument = the input to a function 
 +call a function = use a function, make it do what it's intended to do 
 +put the argument between the parentheses when you call a function 
 +declare a function 
 +return = the value that a function returns or gives back when it is called 
 +string = text data which is determined by a pair of quotes, single or double 
 +variable = a box with a name in which we can store things 
  • intro-to-javascript-wokshop.txt
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
  • by renick