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basic-ideas-sound-design [2024/11/03 08:03] – created renickbasic-ideas-sound-design [2024/11/03 08:03] (current) renick
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 ====== Some things to try in sound design ====== ====== Some things to try in sound design ======
 +===== text =====
 This article recommends some basic techniques for coming up with new or useful sounds: https://headlinermagazine.net/beginner-sound-design-hacks.html This article recommends some basic techniques for coming up with new or useful sounds: https://headlinermagazine.net/beginner-sound-design-hacks.html
 +===== video =====
  • basic-ideas-sound-design.txt
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
  • by renick